Friday, March 03, 2006

The Right Bait

One day Boudreaux is fishing from his pier when Thibodeaux comes paddling down the bayou with a pirogue full of duct tape. Boudreax asks "Thibodeax, where you goin' wit dat duk tape?" Thibodeaux replies, "Duk huntin'." Boudreax informs him that you don't hunt ducks with duct tape. Thibodeaux ignores the advice and at sunset returns with a pirogue full of mallards.

The next day Thibodeaux comes paddling by with his pirogue full of Nutra Sweet. Boudreaux asks "Where you goin' wit dat dere Nutra Sweet?" Thibodeaux replies "Nutria huntin', cher." Again Boudreaux advises his friend of his error in bait selection and continues to fish. At supper time Boudreaux sees Thibodeax paddling back home with a pirogue full of nutria.

He is amazed.

On the third day Boudreax is fishing when he spots Thibodeaux paddling up the bayou with a pirogue full of sticks. Boudreaux asks "What you got dere my friend?" Thibodeaux replies, "Pussywillow." Boudreaux says "Wait for me, cher. I need my coat!!!!!!"


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